our life is our message

My Story 


Drug dealer at heart.
Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. 

It's funny and true.  In my early 20's I had a wake up call, having sex with drug dealers to chase the next high.  I had an awakening.  There has to be a better way to feel good.  From there dedicating my life to health and fitness has been my calling.

With a short stint in selling Pharma, I was back in the short cut way to happiness.  Guess what it does NOT work.  

We have to do the work ourselves.  No magic pill, you have to work through your shit.  

I am big fan of psychedelics, breath work, meditation, yoga, and many other forms of self knowing paths. 

Yeah, I am a  trained exercise physiologist, yoga teacher for 20+ years, and I find it is life that helps me understand the human body, mind.   I have a passion for living life to the fullest to empower others to step into who they really are.

Rules are made to be... broken, well at least questioned.  


I grew up in a punishing house hold, pushed to do all the American things;  good grades, college,  corporate job, save,  I grew up thinking that I had only one choice in life. Go to school, get a good job, and build a stable life for myself. While this laser focus led me to a high-paying career in my 20s, it didn't leave me with any sense of who I was and what brought me joy.

After realizing I could create any life I wanted, I walked away from it all and embarked on the ultimate journey of self-discovery.

I moved from Cleveland Ohio as a midwest girl to the great California, where I opened 3 yoga studios that helped so many people feel good about themselves and their lives.  After training over 600 yoga  teachers, I decided it was time for a new path.  I packed up my family and moved to Bali.  Here we are learning new values.  Less is more, time is our most valuable resource and living in nature is the most healing modality we can find, because we are nature.

I believe we all have something to share with the world to make it a better home for ourselves and our children.

I learned that there are many ways to live our lives and your life does not have to look like what is sold to us in the media.  There are no rules for life.  Only yours.

If you love adventure, to feel ecstatic and even guide others to these feelings.  We are kin. 

If you're ready to walk away from your own limiting beliefs and build a life you love, I am ready to walk this path with you.

If you are kind everything else will take care of itself. Especially to yourself.

Change your story, Change your life! 

Lets make our story one worth talking about and remembering.



Raw Truths


Laughter is the best medicine, this life is a COSMIC JOKE!

When we lose our joy, we lose so much.. don't take yourself or others so seriously - no one gets out alive anyway.


Mind matters most

Beautiful Mind, Beautiful Body

the body follows the mind, simple - 


Find something that matters more than your excuses.

You are in control of your thoughts, actions, and destiny.



Most would describe me as a crazy... and a mom, lover, friend and entrepreneur.  But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

I mean face it people are talking about us anyway, might as well have fun and do what we love.  Give them something really to talk about :) 

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic realness.

"After just 2 weeks of working with AMK, I've made some massive shifts in my mindset and my daily routine. I am hopeful for the new future I'm creating."

Maisy Bouchey

"This time last year, I was a frazzled mother of 2, just barely getting by. Thanks to AMK's courses, I'm a happier, healthier person for myself and my family."

Janell Parks